Future Meeting: Permian-Triassic Field Studies to Scientific Results

Dates: August 30–September 2, 2023

Location: Lausanne, Switzerland

Meeting Information: A conference to look back, celebrate, and pay tribute to Dr. Aymon Baud’, fifty years of continuous Permian-Triassic field research and corresponding publications produced in association with University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

General scientific themes will be organized in six plenary sessions over three days, starting August 30, 2023, with an opening ceremony and plenary session highlighting new results from the Permian-Triassic scientific programme in Switzerland.

This “Across the End Permian Great Extinction” Conference will provide a forum for multiple aspect of Permian to Triassic field research results. Topics include, but are not limited to, new proposed correlations between Arctic Laurasia, Gondwana, Cimmeria and South China, new time calibrations, biochronology and absolute dating, biotic responses to extreme climatic and environmental crises, time specific facies such as red ammonoid limestone and sponge microbial buildups, new geochemical tools and modelling. With the participation of several specialists from the Scientific committee giving talks, it will also be open to all researchers wishing to present their results related to the conference theme.

The conference will end on September 2 with a fieldtrip to local Triassic outcrops, including the  Anisian limestone of Saint-Triphon, the late Triassic salt mine of Bex and a look at local vineyard growth on Triassic rocks. Evening meal in a prealp’s chalet.

Pre-registration and intend to participate with complete name and address must be sent to Aymon BAUD (aymon.baud@unil.ch)

Click here for the first flyer

Meeting website (currently under construction)

Note: Abstracts for talks and posters can be submitted via the website soon before the deadline of April 30, 2023.