The “Across the End Permian Great Extinction” Conference was held at the Synathlon Building on the campus of the University of Lausanne, from August 29th to September 2nd, 2023. Nearly 50 scientists attended the Conference and 40 presentations were given during three days. The international team of speakers presented data on Permian and Triassic rocks and fossils from around the world, including between Arctic and Gondwana margin mid latitude and low latitude key examples. After three days of scientific presentations and posters, participants received the excursion guide booklet prepared by Aymon Baud, and then embarked for the day on September 2 to local Triassic outcrops, starting with a presentation by Jean- Luc Epard of the regional geology made in La Corniche on the UNESCO Lavaux site. The excursion continued with an examination of the Anisian limestone at Saint-Triphon, followed by a visit to the Late Triassic salt mine at Bex, with a look at the growth of local vineyards on Triassic rocks. In Saint-Triphon, participants visited the Fontenaille quarry (Lower-Middle Anisian) and the Andonce quarry (Middle Anisian).